
Several studies have assessed the quality of periodontal tissues adjacent to the second molar after extraction of third molars using clinical assessment and radiographs. In clinical practice, the space occupied by these molars is used to perform distalizing movements and tissue integrity is a condition to do it, so it is necessary to evaluate with suitable methods such as digital volume tomography alveolar bone quality, before and after the removal of third molars. The aim of the study was to evaluate through cone beam dimensions the distal alveolar bone of the second molar after third molar extractions in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. A quasi-experimental study was implemented with a six months follow up in patients with orthodontic treatment that attended the post-graduate clinic of the University of Cartagena. The sample consisted of 128 molars of 32 individuals treated with fixed appliances. Bone dimensions behaved as follows: height was 3.44 mm T0, T1 of 3.96 mm and 3.44 mm in T2; the thickness was 2.90 mm T0, T1 was 2.79 mm and 3.37 mm T2; T0 width was 15.58 mm, 15.50 mm in T1 and T2 of 15.19 mm. The alveolar process can recover its dimensions after extraction thanks to dental movements generated by orthodontics thus maintaining a stability which results in periodontal health.

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