
INTRODUCTION: Fibroma is the most common benign tumor-like lesion of the oral cavity. They are non-neoplastic brous overgrowths; usually reactive or irritational in nature. Different kinds of surgical treatments have been employed for the removal of bromas, which include simple excision using scalpel, laser technology, electrical surgery, and cryotherapy. This report aimed at comparing two different treatment modalities for excision of broma- laser and scalpel. METHODS: Two cases of irritational broma, one using a diode laser and another using scalpel, were undertaken for comparison. RESULTS: Parameters like time taken for the procedure, intra-operative bleeding, ease of surgery for the surgeon, and the post-operative wound healing were evaluated with both the techniques. Excision with laser was an easier procedure for the surgeon and the time taken was less than excision with scalpel. Additionally, bleeding was controlled better and a signicantly faster healing period was observed with laser as compared to excision with scalpel. CONCLUSION: Excision with laser provides better working conditions and has a quicker and superior post-operative healing over the scalpel surgery

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