
A simple, easy built forced convection solar drying system consisting of a solar air heater, drying chamber and thermal storage has been constructed and tested. A new simple pebble bed storage, with special and easy form was designed to be heated with direct solar energy or hot air from the heater or both. The drying system performance was studied under different locations of the storage box with respect to the drying chamber during 24 hours of operation. The performance of the drying system with the best location was studied under different flow rates.


  • 1\ ncw $Ullpl. pebble bed stonge, with SjlCClai aod euy fOIlll was dc:slgIWllo be kealed willi ducct sow eJ,lt;IIY Of bill ~ from !be bwcr

  • The IIIpU! eacTgy to the system must be lJl(~ased to acCOWlt for the more added thermal inen::ia of the storage bed. This could be acbieved by IIlcrea.

  • FirsllotlilioD :Fig (3-a): The storage bed is placed betweeo the 3lI" beater and drying cbamber_in this case, lbe bed is healed with both dJreCI solar raditioD and hot air from the coUector dlDlDg

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II ~tmplo: ,u~y b\ItIl forced COlwechOll wi., drymg system cor.s,stlllg of! roIar au- heat« , d!yuJg chalnbc:, l!Id thennalSllnie h:a$ been CClII$ttIICIed IIId ,~ed_. Her11lll'W: \0 C()nvCIIIlonai ene'l)' sour".s. _e ,15 IIltemultlUley a.od low density. For Ihese Tea5(lRS ntaDy drying sys tC'DIS WIth layers ofpc:bble plated al the bottom or lbe dryi.os chamber havoe been built (4-S ). This method is simple 10 stabilw: !be u:mpcr.IIUfc U1 the drying chamber aod raise the average chamber tempc:rarurc dwing night ,yel;t decreases the hell Dux 10 the drying au temperature during the day. EacTgy to the system must be lJl(~ased to acCOWlt for the more added thermal inen::ia of the storage bed. This could be acbieved by IIlcrea.

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