
Depression is deep sadness and by a sense of indifference A mood disorder classified as is Depression is moderate or severe When recurring in severe severity, It is a serious health condition May be. Depression is is a common and serious medical disease, his is the way you think and the way you are How do you feel, are negative that you are acting Affects. For tunately, it is treatable Depression Sadness or you once You will be interested in activities enjoy edcauses loss. It is diverse Lead to emotional and physical problems and at work and at home May reduce your ability to function. Depression is mild, moderate or Can be described as severe; Depression or mental illness. Depression is a severe and defined as prolonged de pression. Recession is economic activity Decreasing state. Falling Economic activity is production and by falling employ ment levels classified. Generally, a Economy for two or more Recession for more than four quarters When experienced con tinuously, it is called depression is called for Social Sciences SPSS Statistical Package is complex in various fields for quan titative analysis of data Used by researchers A software program. The input parameter is depression levels, stress levels, an xiety levels

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