
Daylight is an important component in maintaining human health and wellbeing and plays a key role in physiological, psychological, and behavioural regulation. Understanding the complexity of daylight perception is vital since the degree of satisfaction with daylight conditions could greatly impact individual mood, behaviour and cognitive performance. This paper aims at (1) presenting an overview of current knowledge on methods for assessing daylight perception and (2) establishing a methodology for assessing daylight perception in the context of cultural background. An experiment was conducted with 50 students who were instructed to select the best and worst seats, describe the best desks’ daylight conditions and draw boundary lines between perceived daylit and non-daylit spaces in a library. The study showed that subjective rating and seat preference methods were consistent with actual daylight levels. However, participants’ boundary lines did not represent the actual daylight availability in the space. The study suggests that individual daylight perception in the context of cultural background can be assessed using the subjective rating and seat preference methods.

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