
With the impending end of the serviceable life of the National Highway System, many transportation agencies have increased their focus on preservation, rehabilitation, and maintenance projects. The Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies (CA4PRS) software has been a useful decision making tool for various Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the United States. CA4PRS is a schedule and traffic analysis tool that helps planners and designers select effective and economical rehabilitation strategies. The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has investigated the applicability of CA4PRS for its concrete pavement rehabilitation projects. Results showed that two main issues for the use of CA4PRS in the state of Georgia were (1) the need for modifications to GDOT’s operating procedures and (2) lack of data required for performing the CA4PRS analysis. This paper presents the initial steps in the evaluation of the data required for CA4PRS analysis of pavement rehabilitation projects in the state of Georgia. A comprehensive analysis of data collection practices was performed to determine required changes needed to satisfy CA4PRS software data requirements. RESEARCH BACKGROUND

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