
EFSA was requested by the European Commission to provide scientific assistance under Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 regarding the evaluation of data concerning the necessity of flupyrsulfuron‐methyl as a herbicide to control a serious danger to plant health which cannot be contained by other available means including non‐chemical methods, in accordance with Article 4(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. In this context, EFSA organised a commenting phase with Member States in order to collect and validate the data submitted by the applicant. The current scientific report summarises the outcome of the evaluation of eight different uses (crops) in seven Member States. The evaluation demonstrated that in general a wide range of alternative herbicide active substances to flupyrsulfuron‐methyl are available for chemical weed control; however, for some uses, no sufficient chemical alternatives are available. The evaluation included an assessment of non‐chemical alternatives for the presented uses. A wide range of non‐chemical methods are available; however, often these methods do not have the same efficacy as chemical methods or have economic limitations. A combination of both chemical and non‐chemical methods seems often possible.

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