
New hop varieties were evaluated in brewing tests in the years 2020 and 2021. The Saaz Comfort, Saaz Shine, Saaz Late and Saaz fine aroma hops were compared in lager style beers. Saaz Comfort has the best evaluation in terms of overall popularity. With a 95% probability, its evaluation is different from that of Saaz Shine. Saaz Comfort has a considerably different evaluation of bitterness than Saaz Late and Saaz Shine. The results show that fine aroma hop varieties have different characteristics and thus do not compete with each other. Kazbek and Cascade were compared in lager and ale beer styles. No significant difference was determined in the lager style. However, a significant difference between Kazbek and Cascade was established in ALE. Gaia has a considerably better evaluation in the lager style than in ALE. Gaia has the best evaluation of aroma and bitterness in lagers with dry hopping.

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