
Czech hop cultivars were evaluated from 2010 to 2019. A total of 13 cultivars were assessed. The highest yield per plant was found out in cv. Kazbek (3.66 kg/plant), whereas the lowest in cv. Saazer (2.02 kg/plant). Rubín and Boomerang are the cultivars with the lowest variability of the yield per plant. On the contrary, the highest variability was shown by cv. Kazbek. Conclusively the highest content of alpha acids was recorded in cv. Gaia (13.81%), whereas Saazer is the cultivar with the lowest content (2.87%). Significantly highest content of beta acids were recorded in cvs. Gaia, Vital, Boomerang and Bohemie. On the contrary, the lowest content of beta acids was found in cvs. Saazer, Rubín and Bor (below 4%). Kazbek is the cultivar with the highest ratio of cohumulone (36.67% rel.). Cvs. Premiant and Harmonie show the lowest ratio of cohumulone (19.63% rel.). The lowest ratio of myrcene (18.91% rel.) and caryophyllene (8.26% rel.) was recorded in cv. Saazer. The highest ratio of farnesene was found in cv. Saazer (13.34% rel.) and cv. Saaz Late (10.22% rel.). A wide range was found in the ratio of humulene: from 2.15% rel. (cv. Vital) to 35.76% rel. (cv. Bor). Cv. Gaia has the highest ratio of selinene (19.77% rel.).

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