
Customer is the king for any business whether it is manufacturing or service oriented in nature. Service encounter satisfaction is exigent to develop long run competitive position in market. The main objective of this study is to measure how different service encounters contribute on customer satisfaction by basing on some selected super shops of Dhaka city. The study has also focused on identifying the stages where customers are mostly satisfied from service encounter. This is a quantitative study where both primary and secondary data has used. The customers who purchase frequently from super shop are considered as population. The sample size of the study is 110 which has found by applying the Cochran’s formula (n0= (Z2 pq)/e2 ). Here, the 0 degree of error has considered as 9.5%. The respondents were determined purposively in order to collect primary data through questionnaire. The questionnaire has been prepared according to Rensis Likert 5 point scale. SPSS version-23 has been used to analyze the primary data. Descriptive statistical tools e.g. mean, standard deviation, standard error mean etc. have been used to analysis the primary data. Though the nature of the primary data is continuous and data has been collected from one sample group, so one tail t- test has been used to test the hypothesis. The study reveals that, the customer satisfaction of super shops varies at different stages. Customers are satisfied on the service encounter of pre-shopping stage, core shopping stage nevertheless they are not satisfied regarding the post service encounter. In order to retain the growing market potential, the super shop authorities need to concentrate on the customer satisfaction requirements at post-service encounter.

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