
Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis) is one of the most widely distributed and adapted shrub species in Wyoming and the region. However, its reestablishment on mined lands has proven difficult because of low seedling vigor, its inability to compete with herbaceous species, poor seed quality, and altered edaphic conditions. Field research evaluating the effect of topsoil management, mulching practice, and plant competition have shown that all of these factors significantly influence early initial sagebrush establishment. Greater sagebrush establishment occurred on fresh topsoil compared to 5 year old stockpiled topsoil. Stubble and surface applied mulch and elimination of herbaceous species competition also significantly increased big sagebrush establishment in the first growing season. However, a cool, wet second year growing season (April-September) resulted in large increases in sagebrush seedling density across all treatments. These large increases resulted in some changes in response to imposed treatments; however, greater sagebrush seedling densities were still evident on fresh compared to stockpiled topsoil and competition still significantly reduced seedling density on the fresh topsoil treatment. Mulch type showed limited effects on sagebrush seedling density in the later phases of the study. This research indicated that big sagebrush seed viability may be longer than previouslymore » thought and that seed dormancy, safe site development, and climatic conditions play an important role in germination and establishment of this species.« less

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