
IT HAS been reported that cane final molasses may be fed in chick starter rations at concentrations up to 34.5 percent; but optimum results, as determined by growth rate and cost of feed per pound of gain to 6 weeks of age, were obtained on levels of molasses ranging from 7.5 to 23.0 percent of total ration (Rosenberg, 1955). These conclusions were drawn from a study conducted with chicks reared on raised hardware cloth floors where the moisture of the droppings was of no consequence. However, it was noted that the moisture content of the feces increased as the concentration of molasses was raised, and it was suggested that this characteristic may be prejudicial to the commercial use of molasses at comparatively high levels despite its economic advantage.This investigation was undertaken to biologically assay Cuban produced “High Test” syrup, no comparable sugar cane by-product being available in Hawaii at…

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