
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third-leading cause of early readmissions. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid instituted a financial penalty for excessive COPD readmissions galvanizing hospitals to implement effective strategies to reduce readmissions. We evaluated a 6-month COPD Chronic Care Management Collaborative to support hospitals to reduce preventable COPD-related revisits. Sites were recruited among nearly 300 Vizient, Inc., members. The Collaborative used performance improvement initiatives to assist with implementation of effective strategies. Participants submitted performance data for 2 outcome measures: emergency department (ED) and hospital revisits. Forty-seven members enrolled (Part I+II: n=33; Part I: n=3; Part II: n=11) of which 23 submitted data (n=23/47). The majority (n=19/23, 83%) reduced rates of COPD-related ED and/or hospital revisits. Among all 23 sites, the change in ED visits went from 11.05% to 10.87%; among 7 sites with reductions in ED visits, the reduction was 12.7% to 9%. Among all 23 sites, there were not reductions in hospital readmissions (18.53% to 18.64%); among 7 sites with reductions, the readmission rate went from 20.1% to 15.6%. The mean reach across 17 hospitals reporting reach for their most successful measure at baseline was 35.2% (SD=26.7%) and for the other 6, reporting reach at follow-up was 73.8%% (SD=18.3%); of note, only 3 sites submitted both baseline and follow-up data. The Collaborative successfully supported the majority of sites in reducing COPD-related ED and/or hospital revisits using subject matter experts and coaching strategies to support hospitals' implementation of COPD quality improvement interventions.

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