
T~e Texas Southern High Plains is a major coUon (Gossypi. um hirsulum L.) producing region in which a conventional till· age cotton monocuUure has evolved during the last 15 yr. Decreased profitability in cotton production in the region, as well 8S soil erosion concerns, have increased interest in conser· vation tillage systems. Initial adoption, acceptance, and widespread use of conservation Iillage systems will depend on how their economic perfonnance compares with current produc· Hon practices. In this study I two conservation tillage syslems for the Texas Southern High Plains (TSHP) were evaluated in 1986 and 1987 as a means of increasing profitability of coUon. Conservation tillage systems with and without a winter wheat (Triticum aes(ivum L.) cover crop were compared with conven· tional lilIage for cotton under both irrigated and dryhind COD· ditibns. The two conservation tillage systems either irrigated or dryland, increased profitability over currenl conventional till· age cotton practices used in the Texas Southern High Plains. Cotlon production in conservation tillage systems is a viable alternative for the Texas Southern High PlaiDS and its adop. lion could result in net revenue increases.

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