
The article examines the process of evaluating work on IT projects, which is presented systematically and multidimensionally, as a reflective and analytical toolkit. The research was conducted on the basis of the application of a system of humanitarian, psychophysiological, anthropological and informational methods and approaches, where the application of the theory of functional systems and through methodological and value understanding of pedagogical and production experiences and practices are decisive. This work updates the methodological potential of the idea of professionalization, in particular, a specialist in computer specialties, pedagogical anthropology and the theory of functional systems, including the concept of quantization of mental activity, which is interpreted as quantization of professional activity. A decisive methodological and practical-technological factor, which is a prerequisite for considering the evaluation process as a reflective and analytical toolkit, is the systematic quantization of professional activity, which is implemented on the basis of the use of the methodologies of Kanban, Agile methodologies, in particular, Scrum, "Manifesto for Agile Software Development". The research used Information technologies: Jira Software, in particular the Kanban template, Agile tools for Kanban, Agile tools for Scrum. Current strategies for quantifying professional activity when working on IT projects are: Epic; Story; Task; Sub-Task; part of the Story/Task; Bug; Sprint. Students were divided into small groups that worked on IT projects. In the process of project activity, they performed the following roles: Engineer, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Tech Lead. The evaluation presented in the specified system format is a significant component of the result-target basis of work on IT projects, and is also considered as a tool of innovative activity and a prerequisite for personal and professional development and professional communication. In further research, it is planned to develop the problems of professional activity for work on IT projects, which includes the study of motivational, value, cognitive, operational, reflective, components, as well as the use of quantization in pedagogical research on the professional training of students of computer specialties. The results of this study are planned to be applied to improve the qualifications of information technology specialists in the conditions of postgraduate education.

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