
SUMMARY Objective: Even though the colorectal cancer is less common in young patients, it has a worse prognosis. The incidence of colorectal cancer in this age group is increasing in recent years. In this study we investigated young patients with colorectal cancer, whose follow-ups and treatments were performed in our clinic, according to the literature. Method: In our clinic the records of 39 patients under 40 years of age were examined between January 2005 and September 2013 retrospectively. Age and gender of the patients, tumor localizations, the shape of the operation and the tumor pathological features were recorded. Results: 19 patients (48.7%) were female, 20 (51.3%) were male and mean age was 32.6 (19-39) years. 34 patients (87.2%) operated electively and 5 patients (12.8%) had emergency surgery. The localization of the tumor was mostly in the rectum (41.0%, n = 16). For 13 (33.3%) patients, who have the tumor localized in the right column, right hemicolectomy was performed. For patients, who have the tumor localized in the rectum, mostly low anterior resection was performed and totally for 7 patients, a stoma was opened. Pathological investigation revealed mucinous adenocarcinoma in 17 (43.6%) patients. Conclusion: Rectal cancer is more common in young patients with colorectal cancer and is often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Therefore in this patient group, complaints, which cause suspicion of colorectal cancer, should be examined carefully and advanced inspection methods should be performed. Keywords: Colorectal cancer, young patient OZET Amac: Genc hastalarda kolorektal kanserler genel populasyona gore daha az gorulmesine ragmen daha kotu prognoza sahiptir. Son yillar icerisinde bu yas grubunda kolorektal kanserlerin gorulme sikligi artmaktadir. Biz bu calismada klinigimizde takip ve tedavisi yapilan genc kolorektal kanserli hastalarin ozelliklerini ve sonuclarimizi literatur isiginda nceledik. Yontem: Klinigimizde Ocak 2005-Eylul 2013 tarihleri arasinda 40 yas altindaki 39 hastanin kayitlari retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bu hastalarin yasi, cinsiyeti, tumorun yerlesim yeri, operasyonun sekli ve tumorun patolojik ozellikleri kaydedildi. Bulgular: Hastalarin 19’u (%48,7) kadin, 20’si (%51,3) erkek ve ortalama yas 32,6 (19-39) idi. Otuzdordu (%87,2) elektif, 5’i (%12,8) acil opere edilmisti. Tumor en fazla rektumda yerlesik idi (%41,0; n=16). Tumorun sag kolonda oldugu 13 (%33,3) hastanin tamamina sag hemikolektomi, rektumda yerlesen tumorlere de en fazla low anterior rezeksiyon uygulanmis, toplam 7 hastaya stoma acilmisti. Patolojik inceleme sonucunda 17 (%43,6) hastada musinoz adenokarsinom goruldu. Sonuc: Genc kolorektal kanserli hastalarda rektum kanserleri daha sik gorulmekte ve genellikle ileri evrede tani konulmaktadir. Bu nedenle bu hasta grubunda kolorektal kanser suphesi uyandiran sikayetler titizlikle irdelenmeli ve ileri tetkik yontemlerine basvurulmalidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Genc hasta, kolorektal kanser

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