
The “Wetland Park Cisurupan” Retention Area development program is one of the multi-stakeholder collaboration programs in the Cinambo Sub-watershed initiated by Bandung City Public Works Agency. This retention area is expected to reduce water runoff to Gedebage Sub-Region. Collaborative governance efforts carried out at Wetland Park Cisurupan need to be evaluated to serve as lessons for stakeholders and as follow-up recommendations. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the extent to which the Cisurupan Wetland Park development program in the context of the cinambo sub-watershed has implemented the principles of collaborative water governance. To achieve this goal, this research uses qualitative descriptive methods. Data processing uses data sourced from primary data, namely observation, interviews, collecting big data from social media in the form of WhatsApp chat groups “Cisurupan Temporer”, “Strategic plan Cisurupan”, and “Cisurupan 4 october” as well as Instagram posts with the hashtag #wetlandparkcisurupan, interviews, then secondary data from government agencies and the internet. Based on the measurement of 23 indicators of collaborative water governance in the sub-watershed, it can be concluded that the Wetland Park Cisurupan program is sufficient to meet the principles of collaborative water governance in the sub-watershed. Communication between stakeholders in this collaboration, which is seen from WhatsApp and Instagram, is considered effective for coordination, increasing public participation, and avoiding latent conflicts becoming manifest by being open to the collaboration process. Facilitative leadership is one of the keys to consistency in collaborative governance.

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