
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were combined to investigate pore-fracture structure and fractal characteristics of coals (0.93% < Ro,m < 2.77%), and their impacts on coal permeability were assessed using two newly-proposed models. The results indicate that coals with type I mercury intrusion/extrusion curve are beneficial to gas flow due to well-developed micro-fractures (73.9–86.74%) and high pore-fracture connectivity, whereas coals with type II and III curves are less conducive to gas flow because of non-uniform pore-fracture structure and poor connectivity. Based on NMR analysis, pore-fracture structure of low-rank bituminous coals (0.9% < Ro,m < 1.2%) presents irregular three T2 peaks, whereas two and irregular three T2 peaks simultaneously exist in other coals (1.2% < Ro,m < 2.8%). The variation of coal composition and gas generation process may have complex effects on pore-fracture structure during the coalification process. Moreover, MIP fractal dimension ranges from 2.265 to 2.873, whereas NMR fractal dimension varies from 2.744 to 2.976. Due to different sample morphology and fractal estimation methods, most of MIP fractal dimension is larger than NMR fractal dimension. A modified Kozeny-Carman equation was used to calculate MIP permeability, ranging from 3.62 × 10−4 to 1.229 mD. The effect of mesopores on MIP permeability may be related to the gas flow pathway and interlinkage mechanism of adsorption pores and fractures. The NMR permeability was estimated by a movable porosity-permeability model (kN=0.0045∗eϕNM0.6851+0.037), ranging from 0.043 to 2.767 mD. The NMR permeability should be related to movable fluid space and pore-fracture connectivity, and micro-fractures can largely contribute to free fluid volume.

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