
Abstract Snow cover simulations from versions 2.7 and 3.5 of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) coupled to the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 4 (CRCM4), are evaluated over northern Québec and the larger Québec domain using in situ and remotely sensed datasets. Version 2.7 of CLASS has been used in the operational version of CRCM4 at Ouranos since 2006. Version 3.5 includes a number of improvements to the snow processes as well as a more realistic parameterization of snow thermal conductivity. The evaluation shows that version 3.5 provides improved simulations of snow water equivalent, density, depth, and snowpack temperature values. However, snowpack density still contains systematic biases during the snow season that need to be addressed. The snow albedo parameterization in CLASS was found to be very sensitive to an empirical snowfall rate threshold for albedo refreshment and does not keep track of the snow accumulation history in estimating the snow surface albedo. A modified albedo scheme based on snow-specific surface areas is proposed to address this problem.

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