
This study evaluated the possible relationship of Chemistry Content Knowledge and Verbal Analogical Reasoning to Teacher's Chemistry Concept analogies among 20 Public High School Science Teachers in Cebu, Philippines using validated questionnaires. Test for Chemistry Content Knowledge showed that teacher-respondents' scores has a mean of 34.90, indicating an approaching proficiency level of knowledge in Chemistry concepts with Chemical reactions and Atomic structure as the least and mastered topics, respectively in the test. A mean of 23.10 was a result for the test in Verbal Analogical reasoning, indicating a below-average analogical reasoning skills among teacher-respondents. These then implied the need to improve teacher-respondents Chemistry Content Knowledge and Verbal Analogical Reasoning skills. Moreover, analogies by the teacher-respondents on Chemistry concepts exhibited qualities of good analogies, although some qualities such as the use of functional similarities and discussing the deviation of the target and analog concept were not observed. It was also found out that there were no significant relationship among the variables, Chemistry Content Knowledge and Verbal Analogical Reasoning as indicated by the p-value of 0.360. Moreover, relationships between Chemistry Content Knowledge to Chemistry Concept Analogies and Verbal Analogical Reasoning Analogies to Chemistry Concept Analogies were also not significant as indicated by p-values 0.097 and -0.068, respectively. Hence, Levels of Chemistry Content Knowledge and Verbal Analogical Reasoning were not predictors of the quality of analogies employed by teachers in teaching Chemistry concepts. This study aimed to provide educational experts insights into these factors' underlying relationships and improve chemistry education quality by supporting teachers' understanding of Chemistry concepts and use of analogies. Moreover, results of this study filled the gap of understanding the relationship between Chemistry Content Knowledge and Analogical Reasoning to teachers' effective use of analogies in teaching Chemistry concepts.

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