
This study compares the efficacy of certain new insecticide molecules of neonicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticides against the mango hopper Idioscopus clypealis on the cultivar Alphonso in on farm trial at Railway Kodur, YSR Kadapa District during 2015–16 and 2016–17. The results reveal that though all the treatments were significantly superior, maximum reduction in hopper population was obtained after 10, 15 and 21 days after spray with buprofezin 25 SC compared to imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, lambda cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, pymetrozine thiamethoxam 12.6%+ lambda cyhalothrin 9.5 ZC, except at 1 and 7 days after spray. Thus, buprofezin is consistent in reducing hoppers population for a longer duration.

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