
Due to depleting percapita land consistent stress on improving factor productivity has warrantedmany alternative cropping strategies. The effect of intercropping beetroot(Beta vulgaris, Cv. Datroit Dark Red), radish (Raphanus sativum, Cv. JapaneseWhite), fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum, Cv. Pusa Early Bunching),coriander (Coriandrum sativum, Cv. Local), Spinach (Spinacia oleracea, Cv. PusaJyoti) and sorrel (Rumex acetosa, Cv. Local) on the growth, yield and qualityof cabbage as main winter crop was tested in a black clay soil (TypicHaplustert), low in available nitrogen and optimum in available P and K underhot sub-humid tropical climate of Central India. Higher values for all thegrowth parameters of cabbage were recorded as a sole crop. Nevertheless,cabbage plus radish produced maximum net yield followed by cabbage plus spinachand cabbage plus coriander. No difference in total soluble solids was observedeither when cabbage was taken alone (10.1° brix) or in combination withintercrops (9.0-10.0° brix). The study hence suggested the superiority ofintercropped cabbage over sole crop.

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