
The segment of transport is a significant part of social and economic infrastructure and has a direct impact on certain economic or social territory development. It is known that production and/or trading scale development in a specific territory leads to increased requirements for infrastructure as well as to arising environmental protection issues. Therefore, this paper addresses a very significant problem of constantly increasing vehicle numbers that decrease the permeability of roads and increase traffic jams, which consequently, have an impact on the pollution of the environment. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate bypasses and high-speed streets based on data on Vilnius City using the multi-criteria evaluation method and to verify the hypothesis of the authors. Santrauka Transportas yra svarbi ekonominės ir socialinės infrastruktūros dalis, tiesiogiai susijusi su ekonomine ir socialine tam tikros teritorijos plėtra. Pastebima, kad vystantis gamybai ir (arba) prekybai, toje teritorijoje kartu didėja ir reikalavimai infrastruktūrai, atsiranda aplinkosaugos problemų. Autoriai nagrinėja problemą, kuri yra labai aktuali šią dieną, t. y. nuolat didėjantis lengvųjų automobilių skaičius miestuose, kuris mažina esamą automobilių kelių pralaidumą, didina eismo spūstis, o tai, be abejo, sukelia didesnę taršą degalų emisija. Šio darbo tikslas—įvertinti aplinkkelius ir greitąsias gatves Vilniaus miesto pavyzdžiu ir tyrimo rezultatais pagrįsti straipsnyje iškeltą hipotezę. Резюме Транспорт является важной частью экономической и социальной инфраструктуры, которая напрямую связана с экономическим и социальным развитием определенной территории. Замечено, что при развитии на данной территории промышленности и(или) торговли повышаются также требования к инфраструктуре, появляются проблемы в связи с охраной окружающей среды. Анализируя упомянутые проблемы, авторы в статье исследуют актуальную на сегодняшний день проблему постоянно возрастающего числа легковых автомобилей в городах, что снижает пропускную способность автомобильных дорог, увеличивает количество пробок, а также способствует увеличению загрязнения выхлопными газами. Целью статьи было на примере г. Вильнюса оценить значение объездных и скоростных дорог и по результатам исследования обосновать выдвинутую в статье гипотезу.


  • It is widely observed that the development of production and/or trading scale in a specific territory leads to tightening requirements for infrastructure as well as to arising environmental protection issues (Cuena et al 1995; Hoogendoorn, Bovy 1998; Zhang 2000; Van Zuylen, Weber 2002; Van Zuylen 2002)

  • The issues highlighted in this paper are relevant because of an increasing number of vehicles in the cities that cause a decreasing permeability of roads, increased traffic jams and environment pollution with exhaust products of vehicles (Diakaki et al 2000)

  • The main goal of this paper is to carry out research on evaluating air pollution generated by motorized vehicles and to foresee possible positive environmental effects of bypasses

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As stated by the European Commission, transport infrastructure is directly related to the economic and social growth of a certain territory (Infrastructure Charging... 1998). The issues highlighted in this paper are relevant because of an increasing number of vehicles in the cities that cause a decreasing permeability of roads, increased traffic jams and environment pollution with exhaust products of vehicles (Diakaki et al 2000). The influence of building a bypass on air pollution is the crucial point of this research and seems to be a is very important issue for Vilnius City and for the whole region as the capital of Lithuania generates the main flows of cargo and passenger transport and remains one of the main Baltic transit points. The main goal of this paper is to carry out research on evaluating air pollution generated by motorized vehicles and to foresee possible positive environmental effects of bypasses. The paper presents a systemic analysis of previous scientific works, a description of the carried out research and comes to conclusions

Theoretical Evaluation of Air Pollution Generated by Road Transport
Prediction of Probable Benefits of Bypasses
Summary of Research Results
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