
With new sophisticated compiler technology, it is possible to schedule distant instructions efficiently. As a consequence, the amount of exploitable instruction level parallelism (ILP) in applications has gone up considerably. However, monolithic register file VLIW architectures present scalability problems due to a centralized register file which is far slower than the functional units (FU). Clustered VLIW architectures, with a subset of FUs connected to any RF provide an attractive solution to address this issue. Recent studies with a wide variety of inter-cluster interconnection mechanisms have reported substantial gains in performance (number of cycles) over the most studied RF-to-RF type interconnections. However, these studies have compared only one or two design points in the RF-to-RF interconnects design space. In this paper, we extend the previous reported work. We consider both multicycle and pipelined buses. To obtain realistic bus latencies, we synthesized the various architectures and calculated post-layout clock periods. The results demonstrate that while there is less that 10% variation in interconnect area, the bus based architectures are slower by as much as 400%. Also, neither multicycle or pipelined buses nor increasing the number of buses itself is able to achieve performance comparable to point-to-point type interconnects.

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