
This study investigated the efficacy of various biocontrol-based formulations against late leaf spot (LLS) (Phaeoisariopsis personata) and rust (Puccinia arachidis) in groundnut. Pot culture and field experiments were conducted during the Kharif season (June-September) of 2022. Disease incidence of both late leaf spot and rust was significantly lower in groundnut plants treated with a combination of biocontrol-based formulations compared to control. The most effective eco-friendly treatment included a combination of Trichoderma asperellum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, fortified lignite fly ash and Annamalai mixture. This combination significantly reduced lesion frequency and Percent Disease Index (PDI) for both diseases at 50, 70 and 90 DAS, compared to other treatments. The combination of biocontrol-based formulations also significantly increased the pod yield. Furthermore, the same treatment increased the induction of defense enzymes peroxidase (2.22 fold), polyphenol oxidase (1.28 fold) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (6.25 fold). While Carbendazim effectively reduced disease incidence, it was surpassed by the biocontrol-based module in terms of both disease control and yield. These findings suggest that biocontrol-based formulations can be a sustainable approach for managing LLS and rust diseases in groundnut cultivation.

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