
University ranking has been a prominent issue of debate at both the international and national levels in recent years. Many worldwide university rankings have been published in recent years, each based on different performance measures. These evaluations take into account a variety of factors, including the institution's reputation, the student-to- faculty ratio, the percentage of international students, Nobel and other awards, the number of highly cited papers, the number of articles published in Science and Nature, the h-index, web visibility, and other factors due to severe global competition, international ranking systems seldom include any local universities from the standpoint of a developing country like Bangladesh. While it is becoming more difficult for institutions from developing countries to be included in these rankings, the major ranking indicators should be adapted or updated to compete. The study aimed to evaluate Bangladesh Universities ranking from the Perspective of the World University Ranking system by reviewing some of the most commonly referenced university ranking methodologies. A systematic literature review method was followed for this study. Relevant articles and literature were collected from different data sources like google scholar, research gate, Scopus, Web of Science, and ERIC.

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