
Forced vital capacity (FVC) remains difficult to determine for some patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) due to the rapid progression of the disease. Arterial blood gas (ABG) parameters could represent a valuable alternative. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the correlation between ABG parameters and FVC, along with the prognostic ability of ABG parameters, in a large cohort of ALS patients. ALS patients (n=302) with FVC and ABG parameters available at diagnosis were included. Correlations between ABG parameters and FVC were evaluated. Cox regression was then carried out to determine the association of each parameter (ABG and clinical data) with survival. Finally, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were built to predict the survival of ALS. Bicarbonates (HCO3 - ), oxygen partial pressure (pO2 ), carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2 ), base excess (BE), oxygen saturation and oxyhemoglobin were significantly correlated with FVC both in patients with spinal or bulbar onset. Univariate Cox regression showed that HCO3 - and BE were associated with survival but only in spinal forms. ABG parameters predicted the survival of ALS with a similar performance to FVC, HCO3 - being the parameter with the highest area under the curve. Our results suggest that there is an interest in conducting a longitudinal evaluation throughout disease progression to confirm the equal performances of FVC and ABG. This study highlights the benefits of performing ABG analysis that could be used as an interesting alternative to FVC when spirometry cannot be performed.

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