
Background:Solanum xanthocarpum and Tinospora cordifolia have been reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antioxidant, antiallergic, and hepatoprotective activities. The origins of many of the currently available antithrombotic treatments are from natural products and natural sources.Objective:To investigate the antithrombotic activities of methanolic leaf extracts of S. xanthocarpum(SXME) and T. cordifolia(TCME).Materials and Methods:Antithrombotic activities were assessed by thrombin inhibition assay, thrombin generation assay, platelet adhesion assay on collagen-coated surface, and platelet PAC1-FITC binding by flow cytometry.Results:SXME significantly inhibited thrombin activity at 5–20 mg/ml concentrations, whereas TCME inhibited thrombin activity at 500 μg/ml–5 mg/ml concentrations. Further, SXME inhibited thrombin generation at 2–20 mg/ml concentrations, whereas TCME exhibited significant inhibition at 200 μg/ml, suggesting that TCME has higher efficacy as compared to SXME. Moreover, SXME did not inhibit platelet adhesion on collagen-coated surface, whereas TCME inhibited platelet adhesion on collagen-coated surface at 5 mg/ml. Indomethacin showed significant inhibition in platelet adhesion at 300 μM. Further, SXME inhibited thrombin-induced platelet activation (PAC1-FITC binding) significantly at 1 mg/ml by about 80%, whereas TCME inhibited thrombin-induced platelet activation (PAC1-FITC binding) by about 40% at 1 mg/ml.Conclusion:These results strongly suggested that SXME and TCME possess antithrombotic activities. However, further studies are essential to find out the active constituent responsible for antithrombotic effect.SUMMARY The methanolic extracts obtained from the leaves of Tinospora cordifolia and Solanum xanthocarpum were evaluated for antithrombotic activity by thrombin inhibition assay, thrombin generation assay, platelet adhesion assay and platelet activation assay by flow cytometry. These extracts inhibited thrombin activity and thrombin generation in rat plasma. Also, these extracts inhibited thrombin induced platelet activation in PAC1-FITC binding study in flow cytometry. Abbreviation Used: DVT: Deep vein thrombosis, TCME: Tinospora cordifolia methanolic extract, SXME: Solanum xanthocarpum methanolic extract, IL-1β: interleukin-1β, DMSO: dimethyl sulfoxide, PRP: Platelet rich plasma

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