
An experiment was conducted to quantify the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) concentration in heifers and anestrus Murrah buffaloes during fortnight blood collections for 3 months. Two groups of heifer and anestrus Murrah buffaloes were formed on the basis of record and actual per rectal examination. Serum AMH concentration was determined by ELISA method, using bovine AMH ELISA kit. Nonsignificant difference was recorded in AMH concentration (pg/ml) in heifer and anestrus buffaloes during fortnight collection (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75). Highly significant individual variation was observed in heifer and anestrus buffaloes in this study. Heifers (6) with AMH concentration above 200 pg/ml were pregnant and 4 heifers with AMH concentration below 200 pg/ml were non pregnant. AMH concentration is a reliable phenotypic marker to predict the number of healthy follicles and oocytes, in ovaries and predict the future potential of heifers and young adult buffaloes. The cut-off value of AMH concentration in Murrah heifers buffaloes as a marker of fertility may be 200 pg/ml. However, study with more number of buffaloes is required to determine the accurate cut-off value of AMH concentration.

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