
Introduction: Vishama Jwara, characterised by persisting fever with various intensities, diarrhoea and body ache, can be correlated with Typhoid fever where causative organism is mentioned as Salmonella typhi. Target towards specific micro-organisms can be achieved by administering the drug with selective Anupana. In Jwara it is mentioned to administer Mrityunjaya Rasa along with various Anupana like Madhu, Aardraka Swarasa, and Jeeraka Kashaya with Guda. Though Mrityunjaya Rasa along with Anupana Jeeraka Kashaya and Guda is indicated in Vishama Jwara, extent of susceptibility of Salmonella typhi may change with selective Anupana. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the Anti-bacterial action of Mrityunjaya Rasa on Salmonella typhi (M1), Mrityunjaya Rasa with Madhu anupana (M2), Mri-tyunjaya Rasa with Aardraka Swarasa anupana (M3), Mrityunjaya Rasa with Jeeraka kashaya & Guda anupana (M4). Materials and Methods: The study was carried out at S.D.M. Centre for Research in Ayur-veda and Allied Sciences, Udupi by opting well diffusion method on Salmonella typhi. Results: The results showed that Sample M1 (test) Mrityunjaya Rasa and sample M3 (test) Mrityunjaya Rasa with Aardraka Swarasa Anupana exhibited nil activity against bacteria Salmonella typhi. Sample M2 (test) Mrityunjaya Rasa with Madhu anupana exhibited activity in three concentrations while sample M4 (test) Mrityunjaya Rasa with Jeeraka Kashaya and Guda anupana exhibited activity in higher concentration only. Conclu-sion: Mrityunjaya Rasa with Madhu as Anupana possesses Jwaraghna and Krimighna action, if Salmonel-la typhi is taken into consideration. So, by comparing with other Anupana, it can be concluded that Madhu is proved better Anupana to be administered with Drug Mrityunjaya Rasa as it exhibited activity in lower concentration too.

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