
Domain specific languages (DSL) are a popular means for providing customized solutions to a certain problem domain. So far, however, language workbenches lack sufficient built-in features in providing decision support when it comes to language design and improvement. Controlled experiments can provide data-driven decision support for both, researchers and language engineers, for comparing different languages or language features. This paper provides an evaluation of an integrated end-to-end tool environment for performing controlled experiments in DSL engineering. The experimentation environment is presented by a running example from engineering domain specific languages for acceptance testing. The tool is built on and integrated into the Meta Programming System (MPS) language workbench. For each step of an experiment the language engineer is supported by suitable DSLs and tools all within the MPS platform. The evaluation, from the viewpoint of the experiments subject, is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). Results reveal that the subjects found the DSL experimentation environment intuitive and easy to use.

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