
An implantable metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors-based dosimeter has recently been developed for the in vivo monitoring of hypofractionated radiotherapy. This DVS-HFT dosimeter is designed for fraction sizes of 340-950 cGy and can also be used for bis in die fraction monitoring. The current work reports on the testing and evaluation of this dosimeter, including both its basic characteristics as well as its performance during simulated clinical treatment plans. The authors tested the dose rate dependence of this dosimeter (300 MU/min versus 600 MU/min), the treatment time dependence (4 min per treatment versus up to 60 min per treatment), and the dose and energy dependence (6 and 18 MV irradiations of 700-900 cGy per fraction). Additionally, they irradiated the detectors in-phantom with breast and prostate hypofractionated treatments. The detectors showed no significant dose rate, treatment time, energy, or dose dependence. Furthermore, the detectors were found to perform within manufacturer tolerances for all hypofractionated treatments examined, accurately reporting the measured dose (average disagreement of - 0.65%). These dosimeters appear well suited for in vivo monitoring of hypofractionated radiotherapy doses, and thereby, have the potential to improve patient care.

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