
SUMMARY Heterogeneous multi-core architectures with CPUs andaccelerators attract many attentions since they can achieve power-efficientcomputing in various areas from low-power embedded processing to high-performance computing. Since the optimal architecture is different fromapplication to application, finding the most suitable accelerator is very im-portant. In this paper, we propose an FPGA-based heterogeneous multi-core platform with custom accelerators for power-efficient computing. Us-ing the proposed platform, we evaluate several applications and accelera-tors to identify many key requirements of the applications and propertiesof the accelerators. Such an evaluation is very important to select and op-timize the most suitable accelerator according to the requirements of anapplication to achieve the best performance. key words: heterogeneous multicore processor, FPGA, Multimedia pro-cessing, High-performance-computing 1. Introduction Applications used in low-power embedded processing tohigh performance computing have different tasks such asdata-intensive tasks and control-intensive tasks. Therefore,optimal architecture is different from application to applica-tion. Heterogeneous multicore processing is proposed to ex-ecute applications power-efficiently. It uses different proces-sor cores such as CPU cores and accelerator cores as shownin Fig.1. If the tasks of an application are correctly allocatedto the most suitable processor cores, all the cores work to-gether to increase the overall performances.Examples of low-power heterogeneous multi-core pro-cessors are [1] and [2]. The former has multiple coresof CPUs and ALU arrays. The latter has multiple coresof CPUs, a micro-controller and SIMD (single-instructionmultiple-data) type processors. An example of a hetero-geneous high-performance computing is “Tianhe-1A” [3]which has Intel X5670 CPUs and NVDIA GPUs. Com-mercially available heterogeneous multicore processors arepartially programmable so that a part of the data path andcomputations of processing elements (PEs) can be changedto some extent. However, due to the wide variety of tasksand their different memory requirements, the programma-bility in commercially available processors is not enough toextract sufficient performance. Moreover, the programmingenvironments in various heterogeneous architectures such as

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