
Biofilm is the syntrophic association of microbial colonies that remain adhered to the biotic and abiotic surfaces with the help of self-secreted polymeric substances also termed extracellular polymeric substances. Chronic pathogenicity caused by biofilm-associated pathogenic microorganisms becomes a significant threat in biomedical research.An extensive search is being made for the antibiofilm agents made from natural sources or their biogenic derivatives due to their effectivity and nontoxicity. Algae being the producer of various biogenic substances are found capable of disintegrating biofilm matrix and eradication of biofilm without exerting any deterrent effect on other biotas in the ecosystem. The current trend in phycological studies includes the exploration of antifouling efficacy among various algal groups. The extracts prepared from about 225 microalgae and cyanobacteria species are found to have antibiofilm activity. Polyunsaturated fatty acidsare the most important component in the algal extract with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties. The antibiofilm activity of the sulfated polysaccharides extracted from a marine alga could be effectively used to remove dental biofilm. Algal extracts are also being used for the preparation of different biogenically synthesized nanoparticles, which are being used as potent antibiofilm agents. Genome editing of algal species by CRISPR/Cas9 may make precise modifications in the algal DNA for improving the algal strains and production of a more effective antibiofouling agent.

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