
This article attempts to put the light on the air quality of the Black Sea region of Turkey. In addition to that, it endeavors to locate the possible sources of the different pollutants at local, regional and long range transported scales. About 196 rainwater samples were collected over the Black Sea region of Amasra between 1995 and 1999, and analyzed for major ions and trace elements using spectrophotometric techniques. Andersen wet only rain samples were used to collect rain events, where the rain sample was filtered inline using 0.45 μm cellulose acetate filters. Major anions (SO4 2-, NO3 - and Cl-) were determined using ion chromatography, whereas metals (Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Na, K), werequantified using ICP-AES. This study shows that, the Black Sea region receives different amounts and types of anthropogenic pollutants via long-range transport according to trajectory models. Although the pH of rain water is not considered acidic (pH = 5.21) yet the neutralizing species are lower than other sites around Europe.

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