
The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county in North-Eastern Hungary and to elaborate an environmentally sound agricultural strategy. 50% of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county is arable land (303,950 ha). After the change of regime there was no significant decrease in the size of the arable land. Cultivation is still practised on soils of poorer quality. Under the changed production conditions, crop cultivation in its present form does not come up to the economic expectations. The sowing structure is not suited to the regional climate and soil conditions; 75% of the arable land is occupied by only 5 species of plant. A change in the cultivation profile (afforestation) can be expected on connected marginal areas where economic calculations indicate that economical cultivation is not possible. A typical feature of the region's cereal production is that it takes up significantly more arable land than is justified: in recent years the average ratio of cereals was 60–65%. In certain microregions the production of protein fodders is recommended for the economical production of better quality meat. There has been an increase in the area sown to triticale, peas, beans and cucumber for seed production. The production of flowers, vegetables, spices and herbs should be promoted; these plants require manual work, so they could play a significant role in solving employment problems. On more unfavourable areas, suitable for the cultivation of agricultural products, the production of low-input plants (e.g. rye, triticale, sorghum) suitable for extensive cultivation should be considered. In small regions with favourable ecological and infrastructural situations the area sown to crops with greater production value and greater labour requirements can be expected to increase.

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