
Color classification and its subjective clearance evaluation in response to treatment are essential in the management of patients with port wine stains (PWS). But color perception by physicians is not an objective measurement so that it can change among observers. Agreement among physicians is essential for the reliability of the color classification and the clinical assessment of the response to laser treatment. The purpose of our study was to determine the reliability of the clinical color classification of port wine stains and of their color change or clearance in response to laser treatment. The study was not designed to evaluate the outcome of laser treatment in PWS or the factors that could predict the final response. We used the kappa index to evaluate the proportion of agreement in color and clearance perception among dermatologists. Six dermatologists classified the initial color of PWS in 80 patients. Three of them also assessed the amount of clearance achieved after treatment with the flashlamp-pumped dye laser. These three dermatologists were usually dedicated to treat patients with PWS, while the other three were not. The kappa index showed a substantial agreement in both cases. No difference in the initial color perception was observed between the group of dermatologists specialized in PWS and the other three dermatologists. These results favor the reliability of the clinical method in the assessment of PWS before and after laser treatment. So, although subjective, color perception by physicians can be used in the study of laser treatment outcome in PWS and its related factors, and the results of different authors can be compared.

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