
Aim. The article deals with the evaluation of experimental methods in the physical education of students with different nosologies based on a sports-specific approach. Materials and methods. The study involved 90 secondary school students (grades 5–6) with health-related issues. In the experimental group (EG, n = 45), training sessions were conducted according to the deve­loped program that included volleyball and Russian lapta elements. In the control group (CG, n = 45), students were engaged in traditional activities for students of the special medical group (SMG). During the experiment, physical development, functional status, adaptive abilities, physical fitness, and physical education competencies were evaluated. Results. At the end of the experiment, the students of the experimental group showed a significant increase in the functional capacity of the body. The Shapovalova Index in EG improved by 8.90–21.70%, in CG – by 0.20–7.80%; the Ruffier Index in EG improved by 21.30–29.10%, in CG – by up to 7.80%. Moreover, students in EG had a more significant development of strength and coordination abi­lities than in CG. Conclusion. The experimental technique in physical education of secondary school students contributed to the development of physical abilities, health, and physical education competencies in participants.

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