
ABSTRACT National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researchers continue to study worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and develop interventions to reduce these exposures. Occupational overexposures to RCS continue to cause illness and deaths in many industries and RCS has been identified as a serious exposure risk associated with hydraulic- fracturing operations during oil and gas extraction. In 2016 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reduced the permissible exposure limit (PEL) to 0.05 milligrams of silica per cubic meter of air, averaged over an 8-hour day. This mandate requires hydraulic-fracturing operations to implement dust controls and safer work methods to protect workers from silica exposures above this PEL by June 23, 2021. At hydraulic-fracturing sites utilizing sand movers, pneumatic transfer of fracking sand is the primary source of aerosolized RCS. Currently, there are limited commercially available engineering controls for the collection of dust emitted from thief hatches on sand movers. The goal of this research is to develop a robust, cost-effective, weather resistant, portable, self-cleaning dust collection system that can be retrofitted onto sand mover thief hatches. A prototype was designed, built, and tested, and it was determined that the system could handle flows in the range of 600 to 1300 cfm with loading/cleaning cycle times of 40 and 5 minutes respectively and demonstrated operating efficiencies of 97–99%. Further development of this NIOSH prototype is being done in collaboration with an industry partner with the goal of developing a commercially viable, cost-effective solution to reduce RCS at hydraulic-fracturing sites around the world. Implications: This research has verified that airborne dust created by pneumatic transfer of fracking sand can be effectively collected using a passive cartridge filter system, and that the filters can be cleaned using blasts of air. Mounting these units to the thief hatches of sand movers will significantly reduce dust emissions from sand movers on hydraulic fracturing sites. Thus, this system offers the Oil and Gas Industry a method to reduce worker exposure to RCS on hydraulic fracturing sites that utilize sand movers. The success of this prototype has led researchers to devise a modified version for collecting dust at conveyor transfer points.

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