
The Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes (SUPD) measure, developed and endorsed by the Pharmacy Quality Alliance and National Quality Forum, has been adopted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as part of the star rating measure set. It was added as a display measure in 2015 and, as of 2019, has become a star measure. Clinical pharmacy specialists (CPS) embedded in the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) are well positioned to review and recommend statin therapy for patients with diabetes in order to improve patient care and health plan performance. To improve rates of statin prescribing and performance on the SUPD measure in the Denver Health Medical Plan (DHMP) population with diabetes by creating a CPS-led intervention to initiate statin prescriptions in eligible patients. Between February 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018, DHMP patients who met SUPD measure criteria (aged ≥ 40 and ≤ 75 years, dispensing events for at least 2 diabetes mellitus medication fills, and no statin prescribed) were identified by the health plan chart review and contacted by CPS as appropriate. For patients eligible and agreeable to statin therapy, the CPS initiated the statin prescription. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize outreach and statin prescribing data. Prescription drug event data were also collected from the health plan to verify SUPD measure performance. At the start of 2018, DHMP's performance on the SUPD measure was 65.7% (Medicare Advantage Part D national average was 68.5%). Of the 326 patients whose charts were reviewed and who were contacted, 275 (84.4%) were eligible for statin initiation, and of these, 115 (41.8%) were prescribed statin therapy. The increase in statin prescribing and dispensing increased DHMP's performance on the SUPD measure to 87.1% at the end of 2018, which correlates with a 5-star rating based on the 2019 cut points. CPS embedded in the PCMH setting are well positioned to participate in and positively affect population health initiatives such as the SUPD measure. Appropriate prescribing of statin therapy by CPS for patients included in the SUPD measure ensures that they are on key medication therapy for mitigating atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and may improve a health plan's Medicare star rating. This was an unfunded, investigator-initiated project. Anderson owns stock in Merck & Co. All other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

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