
A series of tests were performed to measure the spermicidal efficacy harmlessness and acceptability of Emko Vaginal Foam. The manufacturer describes the foam as an oil-in-water dispersion which is combined under pressure with a liquefied gas propellant so that the liquid dispersion can be expelled as a foam into a vaginal applicator. Laboratory tests were made first. Then clinical tests were made to assess the acceptability of the foam. These consisted of single-dose tests in 8 women and 21-day tests during which 12 women used a daily dose for 21 days. None showed any subjective or objective evidence of local discomfort or irritation. 32 postcoital test were performed after use of the foam in 22 selected couples of reproductive age all of whom had had previous excellent postcoital test results and good semen analyses. Except in 5 cases when the time interval was 8-11 hours the postcoital test were made within 4 1/2 hours after coitus. In 29 tests no motile spermatozoa were found in either vaginal or endocervical specimens. In 3 tests 1-3 sperm feebly motile and without forward motion were seen in the endocervical mucus after a search of more than 40 dry high-power fields. The foam appears to possess a high degree of spermicidal activity in vivo.(AUTHORS MODIFIED)

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