
We investigate the effect of modernizing the main condensate scheme applied at the power unit No.5, CHP-10 of Baikal Energy Company LLC, on its energy and economic efficiency using a customized simulation model. Simulation modelling was carried out in the Machine Program Building System software environment. The constructed model was verified using the results of measuring control parameters in several operating modes according to a three-stage procedure of verifying the mathematical models of complex thermal power units. We propose an original approach to modernizing the main condensate thermal scheme at the power unit under study in order to reduce the specific fuel consumption for balance-of-plant needs. The idea was to expand the main condensate scheme by including an additional sealing pump to the feedwater electric pumps of the 1Кs-20-110 unit in order to avoid the incorrect selection of condensate pumps. The study showed that the redistribution of the main condensate flow between the existing condensate pumps and the proposed 1Ks-20-110 sealing pump leads to a reduction in the specific fuel consumption for the electric energy generation to 0.32 g of fuel per kWh across the range of electrical loads from 137 to 150 mW. As a result, the net efficiency of the power unit can be raised by 0.03%. It should be noted that the proposed modernization project may reduce the consumption of electricity for balance-of-plant needs when the feedwater electric pump is switched to the standby mode during an emergency shutdown of the power unit. Based on the performed energy and economic calculations, energy savings for the period of 2019 comprise 82,653 kWh, while the total annual savings are estimated at 78,030 rubles. Thus, the conducted research demonstrates the high efficiency of applying simulation modelling in the study and optimization of existing thermal power plants.

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