
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for Latinos living in the United States. This population is generally unaware of important lifestyle or behavioral changes that can prevent CVD. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in collaboration with a community alliance designed and implemented Salud para su Corazón (Health for Your Heart), a culturally specific, community-based initiative to increase awareness about heart disease risk factors and knowledge about heart disease prevention, and to promote heart-healthy lifestyles. The initiative included messages about smoking cessation; weight loss if overweight; increase in physical activity; and checking blood pressure and cholesterol and treating them if high. Messages were communicated through multiple mass media, interpersonal, and outreach channels. A summative evaluation assessed the impact of the campaign. A pre- and post-campaign survey was conducted in the intervention community to assess whether the messages reached the target audience, and if the initiative had an effect. The sample of respondents included over 300 participants. Results showed that respondents were significantly more aware of risk factors for CVD after the campaign, and had greatly increased their knowledge of ways to prevent heart disease. Current behaviors to prevent cardiovascular disease had not changed at the post campaign measurement. Television, radio, and doctors were the most frequently cited sources of information for learning about the Salud para su Corazón initiative. Furthermore, the specific messages recalled and the source of information cited at post-test were similar to those promoted in the campaign, indicating it was successful in reaching the target audience.

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