
Perioral rhytides affect more than 90% of women, the impact of these problems on the patient's self-esteem can become important enough to affect quality of life in psychological and sociocultural terms. Basic science shows that skin rhytides are related to loss in quantity and function of dermal collagen fibers. An electrosurgical technology was used in this study for treatment of perioral rhytides. The authors treated 34 patients (26 women and 8 men) for perioral rhytides with voltaic arc dermabrasion technique. Patient ages ranged between 30 and 65 years and the majority (90%) of these perioral areas had class II and III wrinkle scores. Voltaic arc dermabrasion was used to remove the keratinized layer for point perioral area. Treatments are minimally painful and in the authors' experience require no anesthesia. No discomfort should be expected once the voltaic arc dermabrasion treatment is concluded. The perioral dermis appears as a pale, erythematous, dull surface. Bleeding is not seen unless excessive abrading occurs with the saline-moistened gauze. No hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, erythema, ecchymosis, pain, itching, outbreaks of herpes, infectious processes, and scarring were observed. All patients monitored for fine perioral rhytides showed a reduction in the treated area. Since skin-specific quality of life was significantly improved after "voltaic arc" treatment, this therapy can be recommended for patients with perioral rhytides skin wishing to improve their appearance.

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