
Abstract We compared a manufacturer’s stated values to those obtained by a reference method for aspartate aminotransferase activity in reference sera. We determined the validity with which this manufacturer’s stated values may be used as multichannel-analyzer set points, and related values obtained by the reference method to instrument-specific values by regression analysis. Data were obtained from 40 multichannel analyzers, comprising three different instruments (and their respective procedures): SMA 12/ 60, ultraviolet and colorimetric; SMA 12/30, colorimetric (reported in Karmen units); and MARK X, colorimetric. Results that best correspond with those for the Karmen-uv reference method are those obtained by automated methods that most closely emulate it. Regression equations relate Karmen (reference method) results to instrument-specific values. These relationships enable laboratories to check assay values of their lots of reference or control sera against a consensus value obtained from the group of similar instruments used in the study. Regression equations are calculated for the intercomparison of results from the four automated procedures.

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