
CBC (complete blood count) tests, along with RPM (Renal parameters) and LFT (Liver function tests), are clinically important for coronavirus patients; curcumin can serve as a possible treatment for SARS- CoV. The objective of the study was to determine the relationship of CBC parameters with renal parameters and liver function tests and to develop the hypothesis that curcumin may be the best and non-invasive drug for coronavirus. Materials &Methods: The differences between the results of 91 confirmed cases of covid-19 (symptomatic and asymptomatic) and 100 controls were assessed by an independent t-test and Mann-Witney U Wilcoxon test. Microscopy, hematological tools, and techniques were used to assess the improvements/abnormalities in blood components and parameters. This is a case control study along with the feasibility of curcumin as covid treatment. The association between parameters was assessed by Pearson & Spearman correlation analysis. The level of significance was p<0.05. Changes were observed in urea (p=0.000), creatinine (p=0.02), total bilirubin (P=0.000), SGPT (ALT) (p=0.000), RBC (p=0.001), HGB (p=0.001), MCV (p=0.002), MCH (p=0.03), MPV, PDW, NE%, LY%, and MO% EO% (p=0.00), in comparison to normal controls. Differences in the correlation of electrolytes, RPM, and LFT tests along with CBC parameters in Pakistani and Chinese individuals provided a new idea for using various diagnostic and therapeutic tools in different ethnic groups. The covid-19 infected blood components and parameters showed rapid improvement/recovery, especially the total count of platelets and WBCs (lymphocytes and basophils), HGB, HCT, MCV, and MCH. Curcumin drugs can be used as an immediate remedy/treatment to cure COVID-19 patients.

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