
Technological developments have increased competition in online marketing. Therefore, some factors which have important roles in accepting online shopping gained importance for virtual firms. This study investigates relative importance of trust and perceived risk factors’ effects on consumer’s acceptance and rejection in online shopping. These factors are evaluated in the context of consumer’s online clothing shopping. Second order confirmatory factor analysis has been used to determine the impacts of the factors mentioned in the study. The sample group of this study consists of 400 consumers experiencing online clothing shopping and living in Kirsehir. The empirical results of this study reveal that consumer’s perception of institutional based trust -entailing the aspects of structural assurance and situational normality- is the most important factor in formation of online trust. The other influencing factor is the personality based trust with its credibility, integrity and benevolence dimensions. Another remarkable finding of the study is that product risk is revealed as the most important dimension of the risk perceived by the consumers in online clothing shopping.

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