
Thyroid hormones are primarily responsible for regulating the basal metabolic rate but also make important contributions to reproductive function and fetal development. Both hyper- and hypothyroidism in pregnancy have been associated with increased risks of complications that include preeclampsia and low birth weight, among others. Furthermore, thyroid hormone deficiency in the developing fetus results in neurodevelopmental delay. As the fetus is exclusively reliant on maternal thyroid hormone for most of the first trimester and requires continued maternal supply until birth, identifying maternal thyroid dysfunction is critically important. However, evaluating thyroid function in pregnancy is challenging because of the many physiological changes that affect concentrations of thyroid-related analytes. Increasing plasma human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentrations in the second half of the first trimester elicit a corresponding transient decrease in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and continually increasing estradiol concentrations throughout pregnancy cause substantial increases in thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) and total thyroxine (T4) relative to the nonpregnant state. Lastly, free T4 concentrations gradually decrease with increasing gestational age. For these reasons, it is essential to interpret thyroid function test results in the context of trimester-specific reference intervals to avoid misclassification of thyroid status. This review summarizes the effects of thyroid dysfunction prior to conception and during pregnancy and describes considerations for the laboratory assessment of thyroid function in pregnant women.

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