
This study aims to evaluate how the role of the school committee in improving the quality of education at SDN Peninggilan 5. The method used in this research is a qualitative method, with a descriptive approach and a Provus model (inequality by comparing the standards set by the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 044 / U / 2002 and its implementation in SDN Peninggilan 5. The results showed that the role of the school committee as a provider of consideration, supporter, controller and liaison had been implemented but was maximally determined by the government. As a giver of consideration, the committee has not been seen to be active in providing input and consideration in planning school programs and policies. As a supporter, the School Committee has been active in providing support for the procurement and management of infrastructure, human resources, and funding, in carrying out its role as a controller of the planning and implementation of school programs, reports of observations are still in the form of oral and incidental information. The role as a liaison is good enough, but the cooperative relationship with the community is still lacking. In general, the Peninggilan 5 State Elementary School (SDN) committee plays a role in improving the quality of the school by helping morally and materially.

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