
This paper mainly deals with the pattern of Quality of Living (QOL) in terms of availability of various basic services and amenities in Dandakaranya region of India. To measure state of living in this region, a Composite Index (CI) was developed based on census data 2011. In order to assess clear cut scenario of district level regional disparity, different indices such as Human Capital Index (HCI), Financial Capital Index (FCI), Physical Capital Index (PCI) and Housing Index (HI) have been used and districts were categorized on the basis of Composite Score Value. The results of the research study show that there is a huge inter-state and inter-districts disparity in terms of basic services and amenities in Dankaranya region. The districts falling in Andrapradesh shows better conditions in terms of basic services and amenities as compared to the districts located in Chhatishgarh and Odisha respectively. In districts like Sukma (Chhatishgarh), Koraput (Odisha), Bijapur (Madhyapradesh), there are least availability of basic services and amenities. The study suggests that the backward districts need an urgent improvement in most of the indicators to enhance the better living condition of the households. This study may also assist the planners and policy makers to implement effective measures to upgrade quality of living.

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